November 7, 11:57pm
Some of my compañeros having a dance party in the room next door during the election party. |
I'm wiped. I didn't go to my internship this morning because 1) I stayed out at IES until 1am watching the elections, and 2) I felt a little sick. It was basically the same situation with the rest of us who have internships. So I slept in more or less, went to anthro where I got my midterm back and was super happy because I got a good grade, and then had lunch, did some work... the normal routine. Spanish class was spent doing more work on subjunctive that I already know and also discussing Morocco and the outcome of the elections. Then I walked and talked with Antonio while I headed to bible study because I told him I wanted harder things and more stuff to work on personalized for me, and we discussed that. At the bible study I struggled to stay awake and focused; I was just hit hard-core with the same sick/tired feeling and felt like it was such a battle to stay in the present moment but it happened. And then afterward I walked home with Jenny and had a wonderful time talking to her and sharing and such.
Tomorrow is Kassie's birthday party in the evening and I just pray for all to go well and that she enjoys her special day, that God would bless and grow our friendship even more.
November 9, 10:56am
Kassie and two of the Arriero waiters (both named Juan) at her party. |
First of all, yesterday: My kids were crazy at my internship. I worry for them because they have an English exam today and from what we were trying to do yesterday (the same thing we've done for two months because half the class won't listen), the majority don't get it. I'm super frustrated with the situation because I feel like a) I should have gotten farther with them by now, and it seems like it reflects upon my own personal ability or lack thereof, yet b) I am at my wit's end for how to get all of them to stay focused and quiet when Pablo leaves the room. I can't even be heard over them sometimes. It gets so nuts so fast, and I've tried separating some of them and they just tend to get back up and/or shout across the room. Aughhh. And yet all the same I love those kids. :) I ran into Luismi outside the
colegio while walking home and we chatted for like a half hour, which was super great because I was feeling a little discouraged and he just started talking about God's work in his life and also how he wants to hang out with me and the other Americans soon. Apparently he's gypsy, which I found super cool because apparently his family retains many traditions, so perhaps one day I'll get to learn more about that!
Later we had a Spanish class that I thought was good and helped me a ton, though I'm not sure that other people always feel that way about that class or my anthro class. Afterward, I walked with Abina to her house and got ready and went with her and lots of others to Kassie's 22nd birthday party at a tapas bar called Arriero, where there was lots of food and the service was super duper great. Kassie knows the owner personally so she got to have her party her way basically. Then afterward as people were considering heading to a
discoteca called Mae West, Aurora and I walked home and got to talk about Morocco and our take-aways and also about how we've been doing spiritually lately, and she prayed for me which was so awesome. She's such an incredible and strong woman of God and I'm so blessed by her!
So doing a personal inventory and looking back at some notes I took on May 2 during a study abroad meeting and what I said would make this experience a success, I had written, "See God move in Spain among those I interact with, explore the country (nature, famous places), achieve good grades & improve my Spanish, form new relationships with people, have had adventures, learn new dances &/or activities, growth". Looks like already this is becoming so clear, praise God! I had also written, "You can never go home. (Nobody else has had your experiences.)" And that's oh so true and probably the sacrifice that one makes when he/she begins to travel. As I've said before, the more i take away from new cultures, the less "American" I feel. Yet how incredibly liberating that is! And how awe-inspiring to experience it all and witness God at work!
November 10, 9:59
Tito, Kelsey, and Jenny doing the typical Tito pose at lunch. |
Yesterday I got lunch with Tito, Cristy, Kelsey, Alison, Jenny, and some of Tito's friends Laura, Laura, and Alex. We joked around a ton, and then I went and studied in a café with Abina that is pretty cozy (albeit kind of out of my way if I wanted to go there on a weekly basis or whatever. Afterward, I just went to pick up drinks to bring to youth group (since we were going to have an international food night and I figured nobody else would bring drinks) and then went and had a blast talking with people and enjoying the food and playing a variation of mafia called Lobos or something like that. Then we all went home walking and talking, and I hugged Cristy and Tito and Laura forever basically haha! I admit to crying a little bit when Tito mentioned earlier, "It's the last Friday for us." Tears just started coming and Cristy's like, "Nooo don't cry!" Ahaha and I didn't want to, it was just sad to think about, and since I was also filled with so much joy for no other reason than the fact that God is good, and strong emotions are strong emotions...haha. Also, talking to Jenny on the way home was super great too; I'm so blessed by her friendship!
And then I stayed up too late catching up with friends from Morocco and Costa Rica, hehe. But I'd say it was worth it.
Some of us at youth group eating food on Friday. |
November 11, 9:30
I love adventures and hiking and nature. So blessed. |
Yesterday was probably my favorite day in Granada so far. It was so wonderful! With plans falling through I had the whole morning to bust through some homework, and then I went and had lunch with my host mom who attempted to teach me how to eat properly "like a
señorita" thew hole time. Afterward I attempted to meet up with a friend Jamie from Northwestern whose group in Sevilla came to see Granada, but after not finding her I walked around and walked up to Carmen de los Martires and then found a spot nearby I had never been before and it was so beautiful! It was in an olive orchard more or less and nobody was there, so I got to read my Bible in quiet and take pictures and uyyy it was just awesome. Then I had milkshakes with Natasha where my friend Omar works and we talked for a while and we shared our spiritual journies and realized that we decided to follow Jesus on the same day: that very day we hung out! She did it last year and I did it four years ago. It was so super cool! Then I hung out with Jamie finally and we walked around Albayzin and wen tup to the Mirador de San Nicolás and talked about life and what God has been doing with us, and basically by the end of the night I just felt like the whole day was a huge blessing and gift from God. <3
The Mirador with Jamie Saturday night! |
Tito and David at the service. Brothers in Christ! |
So because Friday Tito mentioned it being his last Friday and today we prayed for him in the church, I've cried each time because he's like a brother to me and has been one of my greatest friends here, and it's sad that I won't be able to hang out with him for a long time after he leaves on Thursday morning. Such is how it goes of course, and I have faith I'll get to see him and Cristy and Ariel all in Hondras someday, but it still kind of sucks a little bit.
Anyway besides church in the evening, I led worship at the English service this morning with Jenny, David, and Simón, and it was really great and a huge blessing for me, but I was so tired afterward that after lunch I basically took not a siesta but a
siestón and slept until I realized I was going to be late to church this evening. So all in all a good day full of talking with people and basking in God's presence. The weekend has just been so full of it for me, and it's been super refreshing. I've really needed it.
This week looks like it'll be pretty full as well but I"m hoping that at the same time it will be productive and not too stressful.
November 12, 10:01pm
Jess doing her typical Moroccan gesture to express her excitement and blessing upon us, haha! Love this Brit. <3 |
I'm just a bit tired. I went to my internship and was mostly not happy with how the majority of the kids did on the English exam. There were some pleasant surprises though with the grades of some of the kids. I also stayed for
recreo this time to help some who were required to stay to do English, and Pablo and I were having a blast talking about running today. I hope to do a 5k in the near future. Then I had my meeting with my anthro professor to talk about my standing in the class, and then I had the class, lunch, and left basically right away because Kassie wanted me to help her study. She ended up feeling sick and we didn't get much done, but it was all right. It allowed me to look at some of the stuff I wanted to review. We had our Spanish class and then I booked it over to Jess's (our guide from Morocco) art exhibition at a little vegetarian restaurant called Paprika, where we gave her a group gift and chatted before I booked it out of there to get home by 10pm. It's because I feel like I still have a lot to do and I'd also like to sleep. At least during part of my walk home I got to talk a little with Lorena, which was nice. Also, I finally signed myself up for the open mic tomorrow night. I'm singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", just because I can. ;) Praise God for another day of life.
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